Proyecto Saturno: Local heritage to Learn History

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Ana Isabel Ponce Gea


As part of a doctoral thesis, whose objectives are the measurement and development of the skills involved in the process of historical construction, an educational project is being developed in secondary education during the courses 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, in the Spanish context. The project, called Proyecto Saturno, uses the local heritage to work about some of the contents included in the cur-riculum. To do this, heritage is considered as a historical source, from which a research must be developed.

In the process of the construction of the historical knowledge, students will use different skills related to scientific, critical and creative thinking. They will elaborate their own discourses that, in the social sphere, find links with multiple collective identities.
In this article, we show the most important aspects of seven of the didactic proposals that have been implemented. In spite of the project continues in execution and it will be at the end when we will obtain valid results, today we can recognize some interesting achievements: the collaboration between university and school and the possibility of changes in teaching-learning situations.

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