Deconstructing a heteronormated history in the classroom. Potential and limitations of the visibilization of sexual dissiderness in the teaching of history in Chile according to teachers.

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Catalina Benavides
Jorge Araya
Belén Meneses


From the didactics of the social sciences, a democratic education implies
fighting against the invisibility of different human groups (Massip et al.,
2020). Among them, sexual dissidence (SD) continues to be excluded due to
the resistance of the patriarchal and heteronormative system (Ortega, 2020).
The research addresses the potential and limitations of making SD visible
in the teaching of school history. For this, interviews conducted with two
practicing teachers and a continuing education teacher are analyzed, being
able to recognize three types of teachers. The teacher with a Moderate-Heteronormal
profile recognizes positive effects of including SD, but only in citizen
education. The teacher with a Moderate-Allied profile considers it important
to include them in the History subject because it is a current social reality, but
she has not yet worked on it in her own classes. The teacher with a Transgressor-
Deconstructed profile, affirms the existence of a heternormative intention
of the curriculum by excluding the SD in the different themes, for which she
maintains that it is an educational duty to make them visible transversally in
all historical and social contents.
This study aims to contribute to thinking about these others excluded
from the invisible group. In this way, it is possible to advance in a true education
for citizenship, where all people, expressions and communities, have a
presence and relevance to understand reality and build a more inclusive world.

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